Profibus absolute encoder
Profibus absolute encoder Profibus absolute encoder

Profibus absolute encoder

Абсолютный многооборотный энкодер от разных производителей... найди пару различий

The absolute multi-turn encoders from different manufacturers ... find a few differences :)

Leine&Linde IFM RM3005  
Profibus absolute encoder  
Profibus absolute encoder  
Profibus absolute encoder
Profibus absolute encoder Коротун 220В -
После удаления сгоревшей детали "ST MX" энкодер работает
Short circuit to 220V.
After removing the burnt parts
 "ST MX" - encoder works.
ATMEGA103, ATMEGA128 The high-performance, low-power Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines 128KB of programmable flash memory, 4KB SRAM, a 4KB EEPROM, an 8-channel 10-bit A/D converter, and a JTAG interface for on-chip debugging. The device supports throughput of 16 MIPS at 16 MHz and operates between 4.5-5.5 volts.  
PROFIBUS Interface chip SPC3

Оптическая часть абсолютного энкодера подробно показана на примере энкодера Сименса
The optical part of the absolute encoder is shown in detail by the example Siemens encoder
Profibus absolute encoder Siemens 6FX2001-5QP24